Local business networking in Serpentine, Jarrahdale, with events in Byford and surrounds.

Business Networking Sundowner, May

Come and join us for our next Business Networking Sundowner event.

Date:  Tuesday, 30th May, 2023

Time: 6pm-7:30pm

Location:  The Byford Tavern, cnr South Western Highway and Abernethy Road, Byford

Catering: A delicious supper will be provided (drinks avail for purchase at bar).

Also happening at this event:

AGM: It’s that time of year again, our Annual General Meeting been set and we are calling for nominations!

As per our constitution all positions within our committee will become vacant and available to all to nominate. As we have a number of long serving committee members stepping down, we welcome you to nominate, it will be great to have some new blood and fresh ideas around the table.

If you wish to nominate for a position on the committee, please complete the nomination form and return it to us, no later than close of business, 2nd May 2023.