Business Networking Conversation Starters!
Do you find it difficult to strike up meaningful conversations with people in your business networking group? Do you seem to always talk about the same repetitive things? Then it might be time to dig a little deeper and be more strategic with your questions. below are some suggestions:
- How did you get started in your industry/business?
- What are the biggest challenges you face in your business?
- What led you to attend this networking event?
- Can you tell me more about your target audience or customer base?
- What strategies have you found most effective in marketing your business locally in the Serpentine Jarrahdale area?
- Are there any upcoming trends or changes in your industry that you find particularly interesting?
- Have you discovered any valuable resources or tools that have helped you in your business?
- What inspired you to start your own business or pursue your profession?
- Are there any specific goals or milestones you are working towards in your business?
- How do you measure the success of your marketing efforts?
- What strategies have you used to successfully build relationships with clients or customers?
- Have you found any local networking groups or organisations to be particularly valuable?
- Are there any collaboration or partnership opportunities you are actively seeking?
- How do you stay motivated and overcome challenges in your business?
- Are there any upcoming events or initiatives that you are excited about in your business or industry?
- What do you enjoy most about your job/business?
Do you have any great questions that you would like to add to this list? Please comment on our social media accounts with your suggestions.