Local business networking in Serpentine, Jarrahdale, with events in Byford and surrounds.

Council Candidate Responses

2023 Ordinary Local Government Election 21 OCTOBER 2023 within the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

Business SJ sent out an Invitation to all of the council candidates in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale,
to attend one of our local events and to answer 4 questions. 

Please CLICK BELOW to view the responses:

Rob Coales, Councillor - North Ward. Candidate for Shire President

QUESTION 1: Have you held an elected position before? if so, please list the position and for how many years?

Answer: Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, North Ward Councillor since October 2017

What community groups / not for profit organisations are you currently active in and your role? What…

Answer: Board Member Beenyup Primary School, Board Member Court Grammar School, Committee Member SJ RSL

 Do you have small business experience, if so, briefly outline experience?

Answer: Not directly, as I am employed as a Police Officer. I have supported Small Business as a SJ Councillor.

In 100 words, please explain how you plan to support the local small business community if elected, and what you would like to achieve if elected.

Actions speaks louder than words and as a Councillor of 6 years I supported small business. I believe that small businesses create jobs and I have worked tirelessly to support small business to thrive within the shire. The most recent example of this is Rise Dance Studio. I was instrumental in supporting Aimee McCormick in the planning approval for her Dance Studio and supported her in reviewing the requirement for parking in lieu.

Similarly, I have been an advocate for reducing rates for small business and creating incentives for small business. A recent example is the Christmas lights display and competition.

Matthew Scofield, Candidate for North West Ward Councillor

QUESTION 1: Have you held an elected position before? if so, please list the position and for how many years?

Answer: No I have not.

What community groups / not for profit organisations are you currently active in and your role? What…

Answer: None

 Do you have small business experience, if so, briefly outline experience?

Answer: I currently run a small business servicing Oakford as Oakford Realty, I have also run many other small businesses.

In 100 words, please explain how you plan to support the local small business community if elected, and what you would like to achieve if elected.


Answer: I believe elected representatives should acutally represent their community, not following personal or party lines. Listening to what the community wants and ensuring that is voiced in all decissions being made.
I have also started a free website to assist all local small business owners to get more local work, helping locals connect with locals

Michelle Rich, Shire President. Candidate for Shire President re-election

QUESTION 1: Have you held an elected position before? if so, please list the position and for how many years?

Answer: I have been a local government elected member for eight years and served as Shire President for 6 of those years.

What community groups / not for profit organisations are you currently active in and your role? What…

Answer: I am currently a member of a number of local community groups
Serpentine Historical Society member
Serpentine CWA member
Serpentine Community Association member
Serpentine Jarrahdale CRC member
Jarrahdale Historical Society member
Jarrahdale Forest Protectors member
Landcare SJ board member
Peel Harvey Bio Security Group committee member
Peel Trails Committee chair
Peel Alliance board member

 Do you have small business experience, if so, briefly outline experience?

Answer: My husband and I have run a successful mechanical repair/maintenance business for the last 19 years.

In 100 words, please explain how you plan to support the local small business community if elected, and what you would like to achieve if elected.

Answer: A thriving business sector, encompassing a diverse mix of large, medium, and small enterprises, is essential for the overall well-being of any community. This dynamic blend not only offers a wide range of services but also generates significant employment opportunities, bolstering the local economy. To ensure this vibrancy, it’s crucial to establish a level playing field for all businesses, regardless of their size. Streamlining the approval processes at both the local and state levels is vital, as it reduces bureaucratic hurdles, encourages entrepreneurship, and fosters innovation. A transparent and efficient regulatory framework empowers local businesses to flourish, contributing to the prosperity of the entire community.
If elected, my vision for West Mundijong Industrial Area is to cultivate growth and prosperity. By fostering an environment that attracts businesses of all sizes, we can transform this area into a bustling hub of economic activity, creating job opportunities and driving local commerce. Additionally, my goal for the Byford Town Centre is to nurture its development into a dynamic and vibrant centerpiece for our community, offering a diverse range of services and enhancing the quality of life for residents. In Mundijong Whitby, I envision well-planned, sustainable growth that complements our unique community character. Ultimately, my aim is to unlock our community’s full potential, ensuring that it thrives and flourishes, benefiting all its residents.

Full Name

QUESTION 1: Have you held an elected position before? if so, please list the position and for how many years?

Answer: to be added here…

What community groups / not for profit organisations are you currently active in and your role? What…

Answer: to be added here…

 Do you have small business experience, if so, briefly outline experience?

Answer: to be added here…

In 100 words, please explain how you plan to support the local small business community if elected, and what you would like to achieve if elected.

Answer: to be added here…

The above responses have been published in the order we received them back, not in any order of preference or hierarchy.